To claim you BB1 tokens and add them to your existing Stellar wallet follow these steps:
1. First, log into your Bitbond STO account
2. Click the button CLAIM YOUR TOKENS

3. You will be taken to a page that says ‘Download your keys’, Ignore the information about public and private keys and click USE MY EXISTING STELLAR ADDRESS

4. You will be taken the ‘Establish Trustline’ page. If you don’t know how to set up a Trustline with your wallet please investigate your wallets features, as every Stellar Wallet has there own Trustline setup process
5. Once you have set up the Trustline with your Stellar Wallet click NEXT
6. We will then need to establish that your public key is a valid Stellar account and that the BB1 Trustline has been established, to do this enter your public key into the input field and click VERIFY
7. You will be redirected to the ‘Token claim in process’ page, keep the window open until the process is complete

8. Once the Token claim in process page is complete you will be redirected to a dashboard that shows your token balance and when you will receive your next payment

How to claim your BB1 tokens using your existing Stellar wallet video
If you have any questions please reach out to [email protected]