Bitbond press information

Bitbond press information

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2025-01-10 |

Stellar Soroban Now Supported on Bitbond’s Token Tool

2024-12-30 |

Top 10 Kryptowährungen: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether & Co. auf Erfolgskurs – die Liste 2025

2024-11-21 |

Unlocking NFT Loyalty Programs with BNB Chain

2024-11-06 |

BNB Chain unveils tokenization solution to power web3 for businesses

2024-10-21 |

Bitbond Smart Contracts May Be Used to Manage Digital Tokens Directly via Fireblocks Console

2024-10-20 |

Interview With Radoslav Albrecht – Founder and CEO of Bitbond

2024-10-15 |

List of Blockchains And Tools for Minting Memecoins

2024-07-23 |

10 fintech companies to watch in 2024

2024-07-23 |

peaq Network’s Journey to Launch Has Just Begun… or Has It?

2024-07-22 |

Understanding peaq: A Comprehensive Overview

2024-05-22 |

Rapid developments in institutional crypto in recent months

2024-03-28 |

Bitbond Announces Offering with NYALA for Issuers of Crypto Securities Under German Electronic Securities Act6 Asset Tokenization Platforms and Solutions To Streamline Digital Asset Management

2024-03-16 |

6 Asset Tokenization Platforms and Solutions To Streamline Digital Asset Management

2024-01-20 |

Ethereum Use Cases Beyond Cryptocurrency

2024-01-13 |

Der Abschied vom Wert-Papier hat begonnen

2024-01-02 |

Top 10 Asset Tokenization Platforms or Companies in 2024

2024-01-02 |

DeFi als Chance für Banken

2023-12-29 |

Hamburg Commercial Bank zu Chancen, Risiken von Decentralized Finance

2023-12-29 |

Hamburg Commercial Bank analyses the opportunities and risks of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) in a study

2023-12-19 |

Tokenization of Assets

2023-12-18 |

Latest Developments in Digital Securities: Tokenization of Real-World Assets Continues Gaining Momentum

2023-12-06 |

Tokenization Is Transforming Real Estate: These Are The Major Players

2023-12-02 |

Copper Launches New Trading Platform For Tokenized Securities in UAE

2023-11-23 |

Token – Economic System Of The Future? | Finance Technology

2023-11-04 |

How Much Does It Cost To Mint An Nft? – GamesPad Launchpad (2024)

2023-11-02 |

Platform and Service Provider Updates: State of Security Tokens 2023 – Q2

2023-10-28 |

Avalanche’s $50M initiative for RWA.

2023-10-25 |

Ledger to Enable Tokenization as a Service, Partners with Bitbond, Tokeny, more

2023-08-14 |

Interview: So schaffte es ein Raiffeisen-Projekt in die “Tokenisierungs-Bibel”

2023-08-09 |

CANVAS and Bitbond form Strategic Alliance to Streamline Confidential and Regulatory Compliant Asset Tokenization

2023-08-07 |

Asset Tokenisation: Here’s What We Know About It

2023-07-17 |

EY FinTech & bEYond

2023-06-12 |

V-BANK bietet ab sofort Finanzkommissionsgeschäft mit Kryptowährungen an

2023-06-10 | The Kevin David Experience (Ninja PodCast)

How to PROFIT from the Crypto CRASH (Three Quick Tips!)

2023-01-12 |

ABN AMRO Issues First Tokenized Corporate Bond

2023-01-10 |

ABN AMRO issues tokenized corporate bond on public blockchain

2023-01-10 |

ABN AMRO registers first digital bond on public blockchain

2022-12-20 |

Bitbond adds support for Fantom blockchain in Token Tool

2022-12-14 |

Asset Tokenisation: The Next Frontier for Partnerships in Banking

2022-12-09 |

Bank + Startup: Das sind die Blockchain-Projekte der Raiffeisen Bank International

2022-09-19 |

Bitbond Adds Token Portfolio Tracker as Service

2022-06-22 |

Bitbond Announces Tokenization Feature that Enables Public Offerings of Securities, More

2022-06-22 |

Token Tool by Bitbond Launches Crowdsale Feature

2022-06-01 | BTC-ECHO

Vom Bitcoin-Pionier zum Wertpapierspezialisten: Bitbond – CEO Radoslav Albrecht

2022-03-24 |

Bitbond Launches Token Tool for Web3 Powered Asset Tokenization

2022-03-22 |

Bitbond Launches Token Tool, a Publicly Available Service that Enables Users to Create Tokens, Including Securities

2022-02-07 |

Digital Asset Insider | Feb ’22

2022-01-27 |

List of Top 10 Asset Tokenization Platform in 2022

2021-12-23 | European Blockchain Convention

Tokenization of Everything is a Matter of Time

2021-11-08 | Crowdfundinsider

Security Tokens Market Cap Approaches $1.2B, Gaining 7.5% MoM: Report

2021-11-06 | V-Bank

Digitale Assets – die Zukunft der Vermögensverwaltung hat bereits begonnen

2021-11-05 | The PFF21 F in Tech Podcast

Bitbond CEO, Albrecht Radoslav

2021-09-25 | BTC-ECHO

Ein Rückblick auf die Entwicklung von Security Token im Berliner Blockchain-Ökosystem

2021-09-10 | FinanzBusiness

“Es ist denkbar, dass viele Wertpapiere über Tokens handelbar gemacht werden”

2021-09-09 | Handelsblatt

Banken-Gipfel: Krypto und Trading: Die Hype-Branchen geraten in den Fokus der Aufsicht

2021-06-24 | CryptoResearch

What Can Be Tokenized?

2021-01-21 | Crowdfundinsider

European Real Estate Firm Vonovia Issues €20 Million Digital Bond on Stellar Blockchain with Assistance from Bitbond, firstwire

2021-01-14 | BTC-ECHO

Der Wohnungskonzern Vonovia gibt digitale Wertpapiere heraus

2021-01-13 | Financial Times

Vonovia SE: Vonovia Issues First Fully Digital Note via Online Marketplace firstwire

2021-01-13 | Vonovia

Vonovia emittiert erstmals vollständig digitale Schuldverschreibung über Online-Marktplatz firstwire

2020-12-16 | FinanzBusiness

Das Bankhaus von der Heydt gibt Euro-Stablecoin heraus

2020-12-10 |

Bitbond und Bankhaus von der Heydt geben Euro-Stablecoin heraus

2020-12-10 | CityWire DE

Bankhaus von der Heydt gibt erstmals seine Kryptowährung heraus

2020-12-10 | FintechNewsCH

Bankhaus von der Heydt Ties up With Bitbond to Issue Euro Stablecoin on Stellar Network | Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News

2020-12-09 | Yahoo

Blockchain Bites: Bitcoin Shorts In, MicroStrategy Stock Downgraded, Bitwise Index Trades

2020-12-09 | NASDAQ

One of the World’s Oldest Banks Is Issuing a Euro Stablecoin on Stellar

2020-12-09 | SDF

Bitbond and Bankhaus von der Heydt Issue Euro Stablecoin (EURB) on the Stellar Network

2020-07-08 | BTC-ECHO

Premiere: KlickOwn tokenisiert Immobilie

2020-06-15 | Handelsblatt

Großer Koalition droht Scheitern bei virtuellen Wertpapieren

2020-06-03 |

BitBond wird Kapitalmarktpartner bei der Börse Düsseldorf

2020-05-26 | BTC-ECHO

Bitbond neuer Kapitalmarktpartner der Börse Düsseldorf

2020-05-13 | Springer Professional

Mit digitalen Wertpapieren Finanzierungslücken schließen

2020-05-13 | Medium | Jonar Wenke

Institutional adoption of digital assets is coming as barriers begin to fall

2020-05-05 | Medium | Dr. Karl-Michael Henneking

How a Gold Standard for Custody Unlocks The Crypto Asset Market

2020-05-05 | Payment and Banking

Die Gesichter der Branche: Radoslav Albrecht

2020-02-26 | Horváth & Partners Management Consultants

Interview mit Radoslav Albrecht, Gründer und CEO des Berliner FinTechs Bitbond

2020-02-25 |

Es beginnt: Die Tokenisierung von Finanzprodukten läuft an – und fordert Mittelsmänner heraus

2020-02-24 | Finanzen

Münchner Bankhaus steigt ins Krypto-Geschäft ein: Kryptoverwahrung und digitaler Euro

2020-02-13 |

Bankhaus von der Heydt & Bitbond: Germany Is Predestined To Digital Assets

2020-02-12 | CityWire

Münchner Privatbank beginnt Blockchain-Inititaive und will Kryptowährung starten

2020-02-12 | IT Finanzmagazin

Bankhaus von der Heydt will digitalen Euro als Stable-Coin emittieren

2020-02-12 | Private Banking Magazine

Blockchain-Technologie: Bankhaus von der Heydt plant Kryptowährung |

2020-02-12 | Das Investment

Auf der Blockchain: Bankhaus von der Heydt plant Kryptowährung und mehr

2020-02-11 | Yahoo Finance

German Bank to Offer Tokenized Securities Based on Stellar

2020-02-10 | The Tokenist

German Bank von der Heydt to Issue Security Tokens, Offer Custodial Services

2020-02-10 | Crowdfundinsider

Bitbond to Provide Security Token Service to Regulated Bank – Bankhaus von der Heydt

2019-12-16 |

Bitbond and Klickown to Tokenize German Real Estate

2019-12-12 | The Tokenist

Bitbond Partners with KlickOwn to Offer Real Estate-backed Bonds on Stellar

2019-09-16 | The Royal Gazette

Government explores blockchain bonds

2019-08-16 | Crowdfund Insider

Bitbond Meets with Government of Bermuda on Possible Digital Bond Issuance

2019-08-16 | The Tokenist

Bitbond Meets with Gov. of Bermuda to Issue Digital Bond

2019-07-04 | Fintech Finance

The Bitbond Token BB1 receives ISIN shortly before the end of the offer period

2019-06-26 | Forbes

Wallet Street

2019-06-05 | Decrypt

Why Germany holds the key to crypto regulation in Europe

2019-04-17 | Crowdfund Insider

Bitbond’s Security Token BB1 Will be Immediately Tradable Upon Issuance

2019-03-22 | WirtschaftsWoche

Das erste Wertpapier in der Blockchain

2019-03-20 | Payment and Banking

Security Token Offerings (STO)

2019-03-18 | Crowdfund Insider

Bitbond BaFin Approved Security Token Offering, Seeks €100 Million, chooses BitGo Wallet

2019-03-15 | Nasdaq

Stellar: What’s Moving XLM’s Prices And What Could Be Next?

2019-03-12 |

Bitbond gibt das erste regulierte Security Token auf einer Blockchain heraus

2019-03-11 | AltFi

Bitbond CEO: The German regulator is “very open” to security tokens

2019-03-11 | N-TV

Berliner Startup verleiht digitale Wertpapiere an Unternehmen

2019-03-11 | Bankstil

Tokenization: Entstehung neuer Märkte für Vermögenswerte aller Art – Interview mit Radoslav Albrecht (Bitbond)

2019-03-09 | The Tokenist

Bitbond Prepares To Be The First STO In Germany

2019-03-08 | BTC-ECHO

Bitbond-CEO Radoslav Albrecht zum eigenen STO: „Wir nehmen eine Reihe von Intermediären heraus”

2019-03-06 | Hacker Noon

The first STO milestone is German: Bitbond issues the first BaFin approved security token bond

2019-03-01 | AltFi

Blockchain-powered lender Bitbond to launch Germany’s first security token on 11 March

2019-02-28 | Analysis in Chains

Bitbond Does an STO

2019-02-25 |

In the Daily: Quadrigacx Transfer, Tokenized Bonds, Beam Investment, Rakuten Pay

2019-02-22 | The Tokenist

German Securities Regulator BaFin Approves Tokenized Bonds By Bitbond

2019-02-19 |

Bitbond Gains Approval of BaFin to Host Security Token Offering

2019-02-18 | FONDS professionell

Bafin gibt erstmals “Krypto-Börsengang” ihren Segen

2019-02-18 | BTC-ECHO

BaFin genehmigt Deutschlands erstes Security Token Offering (STO)

2019-02-18 |

BaFin genehmigt erstes Security Token Offering

2019-02-18 | IT Finanzmagazin

FinTech Bitbond startet STO mit BaFin-Genehmigung

2019-02-18 | Crowdfund Insider

Germany: Bafin Approves Bitbond to Issue Digital Securities “Tokenized Bonds”

2019-02-17 | Handelsblatt

Bafin genehmigt erstmals virtuelle Finanzierungsrunde

2018-10-11 | Gründerszene

Seid umschlungen, geliebte Banken!

2018-05-16 | WIRED

Bitcoin ist erstmals bei einer deutschen Bank im Zahlungseinsatz

2018-01-17 | Payment and Banking

Infografik FinTech Vergleich

2017-11-03 | N-TV

Radoslav Albrecht, Bitbond: “Rendite ist höher, Risiko ist höher”

2017-10-11 | Nasdaq

Op Ed: Is There a Future for Banking in a Cryptocurrency-Dominated World?

2017-09-25 | Welt

Was bedeutet Chinas Blockade für die Bitcoin-Zukunft?

2017-09-01 | Analysis in Chains

Interview with Bitbond CEO Radoslav Albrecht

2017-06-16 | Payment and Banking

Blockchain – was kommt nach dem Hype?

2017-06-04 | Telebörse

Kennen Sie Ethereum?

2017-05-20 | FinSMEs

Bitbond Receives €5M in Debt Financing; Raises Undisclosed Equity Funding

2017-05-10 | Crowdfund Insider

Bitcoin Lending Platform Bitbond Secures €5 Million Debt Commitment From Obotritia Capital

2017-05-10 | Coindesk

Bitcoin Lender Bitbond Nets €5 Million to Fund New Loans

2017-04-27 | WiWo Gründer

Fintechs: Frühlingsgefühle bei europäischen Start-ups

2017-04-27 | Das Investment

Das sind die besten Fintech-Firmen

2017-04-27 | Börsen-Zeitung

Fintech-Gründer ausgezeichnet

2017-04-03 | Heureka

Bitbond founder shares why he chose Bitcoin, Blockchain

2017-03-28 | Finance Magnates

Bitbond and BitPesa to Simplify Business Financing in Africa

2017-03-27 | Süddeutsche Zeitung

Das Fünf-Minuten-Problem

2017-03-15 | Deutsche Startups

13 äußerst spannende Blockchain-Startups

2017-02-24 | Börsen-Zeitung

Bitbond erhält Finanzierung

2017-02-22 | AltFi News

Bitcoin-based marketplace lending platform scores $1.2m fundraise

2017-02-22 | CoinDesk

P2P Bitcoin Lender Bitbond Raises $1.2 Million in New Funding

2017-02-22 | Crowdfund Insider

Bitbond Raises $1.2 million to Fuel Global Expansion of SME Lending

2017-02-22 | Gründerszene

Bitbond sammelt 1,2 Millionen Wagniskapital ein

2017-02-08 | Gründerszene

Das sind die spannendsten Berliner Blockchain-Startups

2016-12-05 | Das Investment

Fintechs und Banken: Abhängigkeit statt Konkurrenz

2016-11-09 | Banks EU

Fintech-startup Bitbond: bitcoin is solving big problems for ordinary people all around the world.

2016-10-26 | CityWire

32er-Lizenz: Erstes Bitcoin-Unternehmen von Ex-Deutsche-Banker bekommt Zulassung

2016-10-20 | Börsen-Zeitung

Reisebank plant Ripple-Piloten für das erste Quartal

2016-10-11 | IT Finanzmagazin

P2P-Lending: Berliner FinTech Bitbond erhält als erstes Blockchain-Unternehmen eine BaFin-Lizenz

2016-10-11 | Crowdfund Insider

German Bitcoin Startup Bitbond Receives BaFin License

2016-10-11 | FONDS professionell

Erstes Blockchain-Fintech erhält Bafin-Lizenz

2016-10-05 | Manager Magazin

Bitcoin und Blockchain – was ist das eigentlich?

2016-09-30 | Hankyung

Report about the KFIC 2016 Fintech conference in Seoul (article in Korean)

2016-09-20 | Finovate

FinovateFall New York 2016 – Bitbond

2016-04-22 | Frankfurter Allgemeine Woche

Interview Radoslav Albrecht: Kann man Bitcoin vertrauen?

2016-03-07 | FinTech Forum DACH

7 Questions with Radoslav Albrecht, Founder & CEO of Bitbond

2015-11-25 |

Behind Bitcoin’s Big Mac Index: Radoslav Albrecht on Cryptofinance

2015-11-19 |

Bitbond’s New Big Mac Index Gives Bitcoin Tangible Value By Association

2015-11-18 | Crowd Fund Insider

Bitbond Launches Bitcoin Purchasing Power Index: BitcoinPPI

2015-11-18 | Finextra

Bitbond launches Bitcoin Purchasing Power Index

2015-11-18 | Finance Magnates

P2P Lender Bitbond Launches ‘Big Mac’ Index for Bitcoin

2015-08-19 | American Banker

Startups Blend Bitcoin with P-to-P Lending

2015-08-14 | Bitcoin Magazine

Digital Currency Startups Prosper in Berlin’s Vibrant Bitcoin Community

2015-07-11 | EU-Startups

The 15 hottest European fintech startups in 2015

2015-05-20 | Finovate Blog

Bitcoin-Based P2P Lending Platform Bitbond Raises $670,000

2015-05-20 | CoinDesk

Bitcoin Lending Platform Bitbond Raises €600,000 in Funding

2015-05-20 | AltFi News

Further Equity Capital for P2P Bitcoin Lender

2015-05-20 | Gründerszene

Prominente Geldgeber für Bitbond aus Berlin

2015-03-17 | Finovate Blog

Finovate Debuts: How Bitbond Leverages Bitcoin to Benefit Borrowers and Lenders

2015-02-17 | Sitepoint

Finovate 2015, the Part Mobile is Playing in Fintech

2015-02-17 | SME Finance Forum

Finovate Europe 2015 – bigger and even more interesting than last year!

2014-11-17 | LendIt blog

Next Generation P2P Lending

2014-10-04 | chris dixon’s blog

Some ideas for native bitcoin apps

2014-08-26 | Cointelegraph

Bitbond interview

2014-08-13 | Forbes

VC Funding Boosts Global Growth For Berlin-Based Bitcoin Startup

2014-08-13 | CoinDesk

P2P Bitcoin Lending Platform Bitbond Receives €200,000 Seed Funding

2014-08-13 | Finextra

P2P bitcoin lending platform Bitbond scores seed funding

2014-08-13 | GIGAOM

Bitbond gets funding for its P2P bitcoin “crowdlending” platform

2014-08-13 |

Point Nine Capital investiert in Bitbond

2014-08-13 | Gründerszene

Point Nine investiert in Berliner Bitcoin-Kredit-Plattform

2014-08-13 | Deutsche Startups

Point Nine investiert in Bitbond

2014-07-28 | Epicenter TV

Radoslav Albrecht: Bitbond, Bitcoin Lending and the Changing World of Finance

2014-05-04 | FinTech Forum DACH

Innotribe Startup Challenge

2014-04-10 | Finextra

Innotribe Start-up Challenge semi-finalists to go on display at Finextra Future Money
